Monday, May 25, 2015

Coming to An End....

Sorry for not posting an update last night. We were having some internet issues so we were not able to post an update until this morning.

Well it's hard to believe that in 24 hours we'll be loading up the van to head to the airport to fly home. Since this will be our last blog update (mostly because of the unreliable internet connection), I wanted to take this time to update you on our flight information about tomorrow.

Right now, we are scheduled to leave Antigua at 12:10 p.m. on flight US Airways 978 to JFK airport in New York City. We should arrive at about 5 p.m. EST. We'll have about an hour and a half to get through customs and get to our other gate. We'll then fly out of JFK at 6:30 on US Airways flight 425 which will take us to Charlotte, NC. We should arrive at about 8:30 and then will be met by our BJU transport to take us back to Greenville. I would imagine with getting all of our baggage and everything after landing, that we will probably be back in Greenville by about 10:30 or 11 p.m. For those that are flying back home out of Charlotte, we will be giving them their itinerary today and flight information today and they should be able to update you once we land stateside in New York. 

Yesterday was a wonderful day of ministry for our team. In the morning, we worshiped with the believers at Maranatha Baptist Church here in Antigua. The team split up and lead several different Sunday schools. I was able to preach in the men's Sunday school class and my wife Kathryn taught in the women's Sunday school class. 

In the worship service, our team ministered through a number of songs and special music. Bethany Davis provided the piano playing for the service which was much-appreciated by the congregation. I continue to be amazed at the passion our team shows each time they perform. You can truly see the Lord working through them and you can see the love and passion they have for Him through the way they sing. I was brought to tears several times as our team performed because I am just so proud of each of them and their willingness to be used of God. I continue to pray that God would use our time here for His glory. 

We enjoyed a "left-over" lunch buffet at the team mission house to clean out some of the remaining food we had in the fridge. Most of the team members took a nap during the afternoon and we had a quiet evening of fellowship and just enjoying being together. One team member remarked that they didn't want the trip to end. It is funny to say, but we really have become a family on this trip! I know so many of you have been praying for us and I can tell you that we truly feel the prayers of God's people on this trip. So many times we were tired and worn out and yet God gave us an extra measure of strength and grace to be able to accomplish the work he had for us. 

Today is a "wrap-up" day for us. I brought a small group with me to the radio station today (hence the more reliable internet ha ha) and we are working on finishing up a lot of the production projects that we have been working on for the past weeks. The rest of the team is beginning to clean up our mission houses and packing up all of our stuff. You can imagine the dirt and sand we accumulate over the course of two weeks, and we do our best to leave the houses cleaner than when we arrived. Tonight we plan to have a bonfire out on the beach. This is always a wonderful time of reflection and praise as we sing and share testimonies about our experiences here.  

As we close this trip I want to say "thank you." For the team members that read this, you have been an absolute joy to Kathryn and I over this trip. I applaud you for your perseverance and your humble spirit. Not once did we hear of any complaining or hesitation. You all jumped in full force to do whatever needed to be done! This side of eternity, I don't think we'll ever fully realize the work we did for the Lord here and it's lasting impact. 

To family and friends, thank you for your prayers and support of the team. I know it was hard to have no communication from your loved one for two weeks. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to lead them on this trip and to allow God to use their talents for His glory! God has taught us so much throughout the course of these two weeks and we pray that in everything He was most glorified and honored! 

We would appreciate your prayers tomorrow! It is going to be a long day of flying and traveling. A selfish prayer request if I may, but please pray for Julia and Olivia to be able to handle the long day tomorrow. Those who have traveled with young children know the toll it can take on them and on those around them.

We're almost home! Have a wonderful rest of the day and Lord willing we'll see you all tomorrow! We'll try to update along the way if we run into any delays or complications. 

To God be the Glory!  

Jonny Gamet

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Enjoying the "Sea and Sun"

Today was our last "touring" day on this beautiful island. I can't believe that in three short days we'll be heading back home. For those who have never been, there is really not a good way to describe just how beautiful Antigua is. From the white beaches to the breath-taking sunsets God shows His glory is such a beautiful way.

Since this was an incredibly long work week for our team, most of the team members slept in a little this morning to get some much-needed "catch up." After the team gathering for a brunch, we loaded up our vans and drove across the island about 45 minutes to Stingray Island Antigua for some kayaking and snorkeling. This is the third time that Kathryn and I have had the privilege to lead this team, and one of the highlights for us is in giving the team members a chance to see God's "underwater" creation.

Our tour guide, Captain Hercules (his nickname certainly was fitting for his physique) started our team off with some introductory remarks before we loaded onto a boat and took about a 10 minute boat ride to our first stop on this day of fun. We unloaded on the dock and quickly paired up into kayaks and began to explore some of the inland canals and feeders to the ocean. Our tour guide talked to us all about some of the sea creatures that were prevalent in the area and then proceeded to pick up some of those animals for us to hold (example: an upside-down jellyfish, a sea urchin and a starfish). The team then spent the next 30-40 minutes kayaking around the bay and having a great time.

We then proceeded back to the boat and took another 10 minute boat ride just off shore to a beautiful reef. The team spent the next hour doing some snorkeling. For those that have not been, snorkeling is truly an amazing experience. As I was swimming through the water with the team, I was again reminded at the majesty of our God. We were able to see a number of different fish along the ocean floor and I marveled at the creativity and attention to detail that God put into His marvelous creation.

Some of our team had a brief run-in with a coral reef, but all are in good health with just some minor cuts and scrapes. After we loaded back onto the boat we headed back to shore.

Our missionaries then took us to a few other notable spots on the island and we learned more of the history of this beautiful country.

Most of the team were very tired upon returning today from a fun-filled water excursion. I praise God for each and every one of these team members. We've grown so close on this trip and I am privileged to have led them, and to call them my friends.

Tomorrow, we'll be ministering in our last church on the trip as we'll be visiting Maranatha Baptist Church.

We're looking forward to seeing our family and friends soon! Hugs and love from everyone on the team to their loved ones back home!

Goodnight from Antigua!

Jonny Gamet

Friday, May 22, 2015

Fun-filled Friday

Today the entire team went to the radio station to finish up some projects. The outside crew has worked so hard that they have finished all of the tasks that Nathan had planned for them to do. There was a lot of editing and recording and planning and listening at the station today. I am proud of the team for their work. Even those who are not JMC majors have jumped right in and have found jobs that they can do.

Luke had a very festive day today. He got to listen to Christmas music all day and pick out the best ones to keep. I think maybe the thoughts of Christmas helped to keep him a little cooler than the rest of us. We had a local man from Nathan and Renee's church come today to do some recording for some of the 40th Anniversary production that the team has been working on. Meredith and Bethany Williams got to do another interview today with a lady who was saved out of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Another big thing for the team today was that we all got to have "bun butter and cheese" for lunch. It is a local sandwich and it doesn't sound that exciting but it is kind of a fun experience for them.

After a long day at the station, we took the team to a different beach tonight and everyone seemed to have a great time. We then came back to the house for a good dinner and lots of laughs. Everyone is getting along so well. Our house is never quiet but we are enjoying it! We got to celebrate Nathan Owens' 30th birthday tonight. The team has really enjoyed getting to know both Nathan and Renee so it was fun to celebrate with them tonight. Most everyone is still awake and enjoying the fact that they don't have to get up early tomorrow morning, We have a kayak and snorkeling adventure planned for them. It is always a highlight of the trip. 

I will leave you with some pictures of some of the fun we are having here. 

Have a great night!

Kathryn Gamet

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Jesus Loves the Little Children

It was another early start to the day as the team divided into two groups to work. The first group made up of 6 made their way out to the AM tower site to do more projects. The outside work consisted of painting several of the out buildings as well as taking care of some adjustments and repairs to some of the guide wires. After lunch, the crew came back and did more work at the radio station in helping to repair several rotted fence posts and paint several areas on the building that needed some attention. 

The second group worked at the radio station on production materials. Katie and Josh interviewed Pastor Martin who has an absolutely amazing testimony of how the Lord saved him out of the Rasta culture and now Pastor Martin is a follower of Jesus. What a story of grace! 

After lunch, the radio station crew traveled back across the island to Grace Christian Academy to help in the after school reading program. We had about 30 children in attendance and our job was just to provide a listening ear to those children who were working on their reading skills. It was a blessing for me to be able to sit with two different children and hear them read stories about Christians of the faith. Hearing them read and further understand biblical characters just filled my heart with excitement. 

As book club ended, we were on our way to another opportunity to serve in a special way. One of the teachers at Grace has a daughter with special needs. After chapel yesterday, she approached us and asked if we could travel to her daughter's care facility to sing to her and spend some time with her. We were thrilled to do so! When we go there, the nurses welcomed us and brought about 10 different children into the room to spend time with us. We were all moved to tears as we sang song after song with these dear kids. We had a spirited time of singing and clapping. What a sight to see the joy of the Lord in these kids. Here they face obstacles everyday and yet they still sang, clapped and danced to truths like "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and "My God is so Big." After over an hour of singing, we said our goodbyes and piled back into the van to head back to the mission house. We were so refreshed. 

Tonight, we spent some time singing together and hanging out. It is hard to believe we are a few short days from heading back home. We miss everyone back home a lot, but I can tell you that each one of our team members will forever have a special place in their heart for Antigua and the people they have met here. 

God has been doing great things in and through each one of our team members! I'm so blessed to call each one a friend and I couldn't be prouder for how they have served on this trip! Tomorrow, our plan is to have all hands on deck at the radio station to try to knock out many of the production projects that are still on our "to-do" list. 

We'll talk again tomorrow night! Appreciate your continued prayers! 

Goodnight from Antigua! 

Jonny Gamet



Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Chapel, Shopping and Trench-Digging....Another fun-full day!

The team had another fun-full day in the land of sea and sun. The unity on the team this year has been incredible. Each team member rises for the day with an urgency and commitment to serving Christ and others throughout their day! It's been such a joy to be part of. 

Today, our team had our last chapel time with a local school. We ministered at Grace Christian Academy, where the enrollment is over 300 elementary aged children. The puppets were again a great hit as Eli, Meredith and Cameron presented the show about not being afraid. The kids all continue to laugh and enjoy the creativity of our puppeteers. It was amazing to see the team come together in writing the script for the puppet show. They spent hours honing it and making it a great story!

We also had a time of singing and Meredith shared the devotional again about being confident because of what Jesus has done for us. Because we are in a different school with a different audience, often we are able to use many of the same skits, songs, stories and devotionals. Today's audience was thrilled to be able to spend time with our team and laugh along with the skits and songs. 

After finishing chapel, we took the team to town since the marketplace was close by. The team enjoyed their first experiences in "bartering" with many of the local vendors. It certainly is a fun experience. After souvenirs were purchased, we took the team to one of our local favorites Fred's ice cream. I am not sure if it is just the hot temperatures or if it is a unique recipe but the ice cream there is always wonderful and delicious. Certainly it is a refreshing treat in the hot sun of Antigua. 

We headed back to the mission houses for lunch, and the team gathered their things for an afternoon of work at the radio station. The inside crew went back to work with many of their production projects while the outside crew helped to dig a trench outside of the station to re-direct water away from each of the buildings when rains come. The missionaries certainly appreciate this as it helps to keep the buildings free from flooding. 

The evening was filled with laughter and conversation. I again am just so thankful that the Lord has given us a great team that enjoys spending time with one another. We're all exhausted, but you wouldn't be able to tell it if you were a fly on the wall in our mission houses. The team is consistently encouraging one another, laughing together and enjoying each other's company. 

Tomorrow, the team will be split into two groups as the "outside crew" will be working on some of their final construction projects while the second group will be finishing up radio production projects. We are also blessed to be able to serve in a after school reading club tomorrow and just today the Lord dropped another wonderful opportunity into our lap. Tomorrow afternoon, the Lord has opened the door for us to be able to sing and minister at a care facility for mentally disabled children. Our team is looking forward to being able to sing and share Christ's love with them. 

With another full schedule planned for tomorrow, it's lights out here from Antigua. Thank you again for your prayers! Everyone is in good health, but in need of a good sleep! 

Goodnight from Antigua! 

Jonny Gamet


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Day with the Kids

Today, the team had a great opportunity to visit two different schools to put on programs and interact with the students. This is always a special time for our team members because they get the chance to experience life on life with these dear children of Antigua.

This morning, we arose bright and early and traveled across the island to minister to the students at Gospel light Christian school. Cameron played a rousing game of "Simon says" which started off our time at the school on a fun note. The team then performed a number of skits and Eli and Angelina had a time of singing with the kids. Meredith, Cameron and Eli then put on a puppet show which was the highlight of the program for the kids. They went crazy when the puppets came out. The trio put on a great show and taught a valuable lesson from God's word through puppets.

At the conclusion of the show, Meredith gave a short devotional lesson to the kids. I was very proud of our team in how they incorporated all elements of the chapel program around a central theme. Everything from the songs, to the skits, to the puppets to the devotional revolved around the theme of trusting in God and not fearing what is around us. It was such a blessing to be with the kids.

The rest of the group was back at it at the radio station as each group is beginning to make great headway into finishing the projects we have in front of us.

In the afternoon, 7 of us loaded up in the van and traveled to Grace Christian Academy to put on an after school Bible program for the kids. We had about 50 in attendance and the team did an awesome job at ministering to them. Olivia and Bridget led in songs and Bethany Williams helped the kids memorize Psalm 16:11 in a fun way. Then Emy got up and told the story of trusting God through trials using the biblical illustration of Joseph. The kids thoroughly enjoyed the time and had a blast playing "four corners" as Bethany Davis helped direct the games to close. Afterwards, many of the girls on our team became "hair models" as the kids wanted to braid, touch (and sometimes pull) the hair of our girls. It was a neat experience to see the love that our team had for these kids.

This evening we enjoyed some needed beach time and had a wonderful dinner of chicken and rice prepared by our wonderful "Mom" Kathryn. Then we played games and spent some time preparing for the events of tomorrow.

Tomorrow, we'll be heading back to Grace Christian Academy in the morning to present our program to the over 300 students at the school. I am so proud of our team. They have really come together as a unit and are focused on being the hands and feet of Christ in these communities. I can't believe we are already half way through this trip. It has gone by so fast, but there is still much work to do.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! God is truly working in and through our team!

Goodnight from Antigua!

Jonny Gamet

Monday, May 18, 2015

A Long but Profitable Monday

The new week began bright and early for the outside crew today as one of our biggest projects of this tripped loomed in front of us. Seven of us left the mission house at 5:15 a.m. to begin working at the AM tower site near the radio station.

Our task was to paint the guide wires to the tower. For those unfamiliar with this daunting task, our job was to assist the missionaries in removing hundreds of feet of steel cable, painting it and then using a pulley system to raise the cable back in place. Most of those cables weigh a lot, and hoisting them up 200 feet on a pulley system was certainly tiring. Despite the difficulty, I was so proud of our team. This big job required each person to fill a role and each of our team was tremendous in accomplishing the goal of getting each of the 12 guide wires painted and re-installed.

The task was so hard but the Lord really blessed us in giving us cloud cover throughout the entire day to protect us from the sun. There was also a pleasant breeze which kept us relatively cool.

The rest of the team had the privilege of ministering at Bolans school. The team performed several musical numbers and Meredith gave a short lesson on how we have nothing to fear because of Christ. After finishing up the program at the school, the team went back to the radio station and continued to help with a variety of projects. This afternoon, Bethany Davis and Emy Bradley traveled off site to interview a local believer and have her share her testimony in preparation for the station's 40th anniversary celebration.

Tonight we had a time of rest and relaxation after a very packed day. We were also able to celebrate Bridget's birthday tonight and had some cake and ice cream. =)

I continue to be so proud, and yet so humbled by each of our team members. God has gifted each one in such special ways and He has allowed each person's gifts and talents to compliment others on the team.

It's hard to believe, but tomorrow will mark our halfway point of the trip. We're excited to be in another school tomorrow and will continue making strides with several projects at the station.

Goodnight from Antigua!

Jonny Gamet